Not falling down, not breaking anything, wonderful people, wonderful support from Colleen, great riding county, beautiful weather, great location, White Rock Mountain in Arkansas, , all made for a great weekend.
What happened: ( Sorry for not remembering all names, I'm doing this in the AM. I don't do AM's nor remember names well. )
Rained for days before the event. ( SLAP = Squeal Like A Pig -- don't ask cause I don't know) ...
DRZ Charlie, who this day is off with his son on a 3 week ride :eek: , called and said he did not have room for tables on his truck. We stopped and got tables... Then climbed the mountain.... Had cell service up there, Who would a thunk?
Unloaded and would spend the night in the bunkhouse. This prep for the group took the rest of the evening. I did fire up RednBlack just to be able to take a cruise around the event grounds.
Mike B ( Bell47 Pilot) and two more arrived also. Aimed a fan at my bed and crashed.
Coffee with Doc at 0
Prep for the event.
Move personal stuff to the cabin we would share with Travis, Kathy, Joe & Kimberly. (couples group 1 )
There were 2-3 other females attending...
Headed off to scout a slow ride with picture taking opportunities and easy water crossings for pictures.
Other folks were arriving and it was back to trying to help work horse DRZ Charlie, who had been at it all day, get ready for the evening feed. Colleen had be helping also along with Kriss ( TerraScout who brought extra food.)
Just after dark Colleen & I crashed in bed.
Ride groups and solo's were leaving right and left. Travis, Kathy, David & Eric were silly nuff to go with me.
First ½ mile, my tire tool bag fell off. Put that under Eric's bungee net.
A couple miles later Travis' R-650 got cranky so the up shot of that was that He & wife Kathy would go back and ride two up on his VStorm to catch up with us. They got to Oark cafe before us. We had made a detour for a water & fuel break. (Only time I have too much fuel is when I am on fire.)
After lunch Travis & Kathy decide to head back to the lodge, they were lucky.
Eric, David & I opt to go on with the planned ride.
We played in the water.
We then decided to take a route I had not done that DrLewall had suggested. I had been bragging the night before about my map reading skills and my ability to, in general know where I was, from all the years of flying. ( You know where this is going .... right? )
So were are having a rocking good time until we get to one corner. We hemmed and hawed and Eric & I using our GPS units came up with the decision. Both units were set wrong in the same way.
Off we go and are having a good time but it was feeling like it was taking too long and I was not remembering some sights I should have from scouting Friday.
We now finally arrive at the water crossings we had played at earlier. ( " Uh guys, this looks real familiar.." ) RUT ROW !!!!
More discussion & we decide to go back the easy, faster, know for sure way. Had to go to get fuel & drinks first. Back track some, fueled and watered, and then we are off again with a few more stops so David can help Eric & I with our riding technique. ( He was helping us all day. )
DrLewall and his fast trackers blow by us and they were on a 200 mile run. We had started a 46 mile loop.
We did get back, 113 miles, 8,5 hours and an embarrassed ride leader. ( But, but, but, I did not fall down. Well neither did David or Eric, but just sayin ..... )
Dinner and yakkin was again a really nice end to the day.
Sunday was packing and cleaning for us while some went for more rides. We got that pretty much done, waved at Doc and headed down the mountain. Took the slow way home, found an junk store open that we have been trying to get in ever since we moved to the area so Colleen got her highlight to the week end and then back to the house to let kitties out.
They had done some stuff to show their displeasure at being inside for the better part of three days but it was not as bad as it could have been.
I might get the rest unloaded today and I might not. Moving kinda slow..... Must mean I had a good time.....
I am on the list for next year already....
:::: Picture is the link to the album. :::::

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