Saturday, October 2, 2010

Rode again today. A little to warm for me.

Went to see Terry and he helped me. We BS'd and he fixed stuff for me....

Pic is link to album as usual.

9.29 Ride

So I go out and check and the tire is flat. Grrrrr Aired it up again and got ready to go anyway. I took extra air along.

Stopped and checked on the Blazer, (Don't ask, gonna be $$$ ) and checked the air. Same as yesterday, as long as I'm moving, it holds. Don't ask me, I have no clue. I was not going to waste such a good riding day.

I forgot to check Google Earth against the maps and so things kinda did not go according to plan but all in all, it was good.

More of an adventure this way.... And always remember and never forget that adventure is nothing but terror in retrospect....

The Spot Locator worked pretty good .....

Picture is the link to the album as usual...

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My other type of riding I am learning.

Called Dual Sport. I fall down a lot....

Picasa album here.

ABATE doins in Conway so I went to looksee.

A good excuse to get Spot out and taker her some place.

An ABATE gig in Conway, AR. this weekend.

Got to see my friend Shark & his new wife,

Picture is the link as usual.

Me & JB went to town...

Lotta work for little fun.

My arse hurts, 120 miles on JB with no pillow.

I was on the only shovel in the whole county today I bet.

Cold front came through. Finally my kind of riding temps...

64F on the way home. No sweating for a change.